Ice Wine Glazed Chicken

Offering number two in the Great Ice Wine Recipe Resolution Too simple to even call a recipe. 1 tsp garlic infused olive oil (or oil plus 1 clove of minced garlic) 2 Chicken breasts, cut into 1″ cubes 1/2 tsp fresh thyme 1 stalk celery, cut on a angle 1/3 cup...

Ice wine infused cranberry appetizer

Here is my first offering in the great ice wine recipe resolution! It is adapted from Inniskillin Winery’s Ice Wine Infused Cranberry Boats. I didn’t have all of the ingredients the recipe called for and decided to do some “customization”. How...

Seared scallops with Ice wine reduction

I’ve always loved scallops. They are sweet and succulent! This recipe is simple, but oh so delicious. I always use a cast iron skillet to cook them. You can’t get a non-stick pan hot enough and I haven’t been happy with the results in stainless...